Published on
May 28, 2019

Electronic billing and digital processes

Published on
2019-05-28 00:00:00

How to increase efficiency, agility and governance thanks to dematerialization and digitization

Dematerialization and digitization

Dematerialization doesn't exclusively consist of IT activity designed to create a document primarily in a digital format, but also all those renewal processes that involve the abandonment of printed documents.
The results of the dematerialization process can range from the satisfaction of the technical and legal requirements for each type of electronic document produced up to practical aspects such as the reduction of management costs or the greater speed in the operations regulated by the various documents required.

Parallel to dematerialization, a transition of a document into its digital version, there are the digitalization processes that arise and remain in digital format and end with digital preservation, necessary for maintaining the documents for the time required by the various regulations in progress.

While the process of dematerialization involves the acquisition of documents through dedicated devices, such as scanners, or mobile devices, in a format that cannot be processed, digitization allows processing documents in XML format, useful for maximizing all the benefits of the new processes implemented in the company.

Both the dematerialization and the digitalization inevitably lead to the creation of a continuously expanding digital archive. If until a few years ago the problem was related to the physical space occupied by innumerable paper folders, today we talk about disk space, preferably virtualized and in all cases backed up. So, why not take advantage of the advent of the digital document not only for the benefit of the environment but also by making an enormous digital heritage available to the entire company, including presentations, images and videos?

Digital Asset Management DAM

Who seeks ... not always finds!
Are you looking for a document by name? By date of creation? By type? Treasure hunting in countless folders has never been fun. Archiving all digitized and dematerialized material, such as accounting and/or administrative documents, is not a phase to be underestimated.  Consideration must be given to the need to easily find what you are looking for in a constantly growing archive and it is no longer acceptable to have to navigate between folders named in most cases by year, month, keyword, customer name, topic, just to give some examples. When the number of archived documents is more than 3 digits, findability is the magic word to survive and that is the key feature that a digital archive must absolutely have. Entering a keyword in the search for a file and letting the archive present the results found between naming, metadata, text inside the documents, tags, categories, can save an enormous amount of time for those who at that moment have an urgent need to satisfy. The digital archive can be shared among all company departments, thus becoming the only repository of all the company's digital heritage, including documents, images, videos and presentations.

This is a summary of the GMDE's speech that will be present at the event organized by SOIEL with the theme "Digital Document" to talk about how to manage a digital archive in constant growth.
For more information, please visit the dedicated page. Registration for the event is free but upon registration. We are waiting for you!



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