Availability of resources and spare parts
Addressed to newspapers, magazines and periodicals
Tools for a Digital Strategy and Transformation
If you want to present us a project or request a demo of our products, the gmde team will be ready to provide you with the right support you need.
Printing plates handling systems that reduce human intervention and thus allow the production of all the flow within the printing center. Flow that also includes bending and punching the plates.
Annual meeting organised by ASIG, FIEG and Osservatorio Quotidiani 'Carlo Lombardi
Challenges and trends for publishing, what we take home.
Annual meeting organized by ASIG, FIEG and Osservatorio Quotidiani "Carlo Lombardi"
Guided tour inside the RCS of Corriere della Sera, to discover the pre-press and printing process of newspapers
Autorizzo al trattamento dei dati personali