
Publishing 2023: Trends and Opportunities

Published on
2023-05-26 00:00:00

Annual meeting organized by ASIG, FIEG and Osservatorio Quotidiani "Carlo Lombardi"

June 13, 2023
Savoia Hotel Regency - Bologna
Ediland Meeting 2022 si svolgerà presso il Centro Congressi del Savoia Hotel Regency di Bologna. Il Savoia Hotel Regency si trova a Bologna in Via del Pilastro 2. 
Usual annual meeting for publishers and printers in the daily information sector. A meeting aimed at giving the current snapshot of the market and creating discussion among all players in the newspaper production chain.


Tuesday, June 13


3:00 p.m. Registration of participants
3:30 p.m. Opening remarks

Andrea Riffeser Monti, President FIEG
Stefano Scarpino, ASIG President
First session: challenges for publishers
3:45 p.m. Trends in the publishing industry in Italy and the world
Sergio Vitelli, ASIG Secretary
16:15 New publishing products and the topic of Artificial Intelligence applied to texts
- Agnese Pini, Director QN
- Flavia Albano, Presidency of the Council of Ministers
- Daniele Bellasio, Deputy Editor Il Sole 24 Ore
- Matteo Naccari, Assistant Secretary FNSI
5:15 p.m. Tea/Coffee Break
5:30 p.m. Digital Tools for Publishing

- Camillo Vezzoli, Content Business Unit Manager, Atex Global Media
- Romolo Velati, CTO, Robin
- Domenico Riccio, program manager, Eidosmedia
- David Sancha, CIO, Hiberus
- Giancarlo Vanoni, CEO, Tecnavia
- Paolo Davide Lorenzon, Business Development, Willbit
7 p.m. End of work
8:00 p.m. Convivial dinner at the poolside


Wednesday, June 14


9:30 a.m. Focus on the advertising market
Massimo Martellini, FCP President
10:00 a.m. Press issues overview
Ingi Rafn Olafsson, Dir. WPF, WAN-IFRA
10:30 a.m. Coffee break
10:45 a.m. Cost trends and philosophies of suppliers of raw materials, printing equipment, distribution

- Paolo Zerbi, Graphic Communication BD general manager, Fujifilm Italy
- Eric Singer, Technical Manager, L'Est Républicain, guest by GMDE
- Antonio Capelli, Sole Director, Intercart
- Peter Andrich, A.D., Koenig & Bauer IT
- Andrea Liso, Managing Director, M-DIS
- Roberto Tosi, New Newsstand Vending
- Silvio Broggi, Technical Director, Poligrafici Printing
11:45 a.m. The 2023 Report on the newspaper industry in Italy Newspapers "Carlo Lombardi"
- Paolo Polidori, President Osservatorio Quotidiani "Carlo Lombardi"
12:00 The future of information after the pandemic

- Alessandra Costante, Secretary General, FNSI
- Giulia Guida, Segr. Naz.le SLC-CGIL
- Roberta Musu, Segr. Naz.le, UIL Comunicazione
- Paolo Gallo, Segr. Naz.le, FISTEL-CISL
- Alessandro Bianco, Central Director, Human Resources, GEDI
- Lino Morgante, President, Società Editrice Sud
- Vito Ribaudo, HR Italy, RCS MediaGroup
- Alessandro Serrau, Dir. of Personnel and Organization, Monrif Group
1:00 p.m. Conclusion of the proceedings and Light Lunch

For more information and to register, visit the dedicated page on the Ediland website, in Italian language only.



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