Published on
May 14, 2019

For GMDE, 2019 full of events!

Published on
2019-05-14 00:00:00

All the events!

2018 was an exciting year for GMDE: new professionals in the company, new partnerships to expand the offer to customers, an important birthday, the 25th, celebrated all together.

2019 would seem to be no less. In addition to an internal reorganization, in fact, this year GMDE has decided to make itself known much more than in previous years! In recent months GMDE has participated in some marketing initiatives. Very interesting and open to all were the B2B Marketing Conference by ANES and "the customer between omnichannel and brand reputation" by SOIEL International.

Past events

February, 13th --> B2B Marketing conference by ANES.

"The event was a further dedicated offer to the 6 million readers (between companies and professional operators operating in 28 different product areas) of the ANES's members, publishing companies that operate in the specialized publishing sector.  Beyond to publish both into traditional and digital media, publishers want to bring further digital innovation to their customers' companies... "

February, 20th --> Global Summit Marketing & Digital

"Two days in which service and technology providers and all the looking for innovation participating companies will have the opportunity to meet and discuss themselves how the digital revolution is affecting all the people involved. Digital has recently been distorting the habits and behaviour of end users, and consequently of the manufacturing companies and the suppliers of solutions and consultancy?"

April, 3th --> Omnichannel customer and brand reputation by Soiel

"How can organizations preserve the value of its brand and groped to increase it further keeping in view the needs of customers and their behaviour?
complex topics but increasingly current when talking about communication. Companies that want to keep up to the demands of the market need to set themselves to develop an innovation plan?"

May, 13th --> Richmond marketing forum

"The event, dedicated to marketing proposed by Richmond will be held for the first time at the Grand Hotel Rimini. It includes two days of One2One meetings alternating with lectures and workshops focused on new marketing strategies. GMDE participate like the exhibitor to offer dedicated solutions to omnichannel communication?"

Next events

May, 27th --> Richmond Retail Forum

"Born in 2011, the Retail Business Forum has been since its first edition a success. 
The major development managers of retail activities of the most important Italian companies together with solution providers can create products and services into a vibrant and dynamic marketplace. Meetings, seminars, workshops, working groups, targeted meetings: two days for a full immersion in the retail market?"

June, 11th --> Digital documentation by SOIEL International

"With the introduction of electronic invoicing between individuals and businesses, the need to investigate the benefits deriving from the processes of dematerialisation and digitalization of corporate document flows is growing in large and small companies?"

June, 18th --> IFRA Italia with ASIG

"From the 2018 edition: During the two days of the conference, the participants discussed all the relevant topics in the sector: from dissemination to advertising, from digital products to the relationship with web giants, up to issues related to production, to welfare and electronic invoicing?"


Don't stop GMDE now!

In autumn it is planned the participation of GMDE other events devoted to the companies, always with the mode of one-on-one meetings and many others related to the sector which saw the birth GMDE, the publishing market.

Don't miss appointments with GMDE, information and innovation!



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