Published on
December 19, 2018

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Published on
2018-12-19 00:00:00

GMDE closed for holidays

The year that is now coming to an end was a particularly important year for us at GMDE. As you know this year we have had our 25th birthday!

In all these years we have constantly grown both in terms of staff and skills. We left many years ago, assisting the editorial staff of the daily newspapers. Then we have expanded our proposal to become a reference point for specialists in the field of pre-press and then press. Finally, in the last few years, we have reinvested in our knowledge to bring our experience in the management of information and communication to Italian companies.


This year we would like to wish to our customers, our partners and our suppliers a peaceful Christmas and a new year rich of projects to be carried forward together, goals to be achieved, goals to be overcome and new fruitful collaborations!


We also take this opportunity to announce that our offices will be closed during the Christmas holidays from December 24th to January 1st 2019.

GMDE will be closed for holidays but, as always, guarantees all local and remote assistance services for customers with an ACTIVE service contract. The LIVE support and assistance services for the systems and prepress areas will be available.




The customers with whom GMDE works daily are more than 100 and... they are all satisfied

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