Published on
March 11, 2019

Omnichannel customer and Brand Reputation

Published on
2019-03-11 00:00:00

What means "Omnichannel" and how manage your own brand reputation

The Omnichannel customer

Nowadays, thanks to the new technologies and digital channels available, both customers and companies have increasingly greater power over communication methods. However, despite the urgent need to improve customers' shopping experience, many companies have moved slowly. Excluding individual cases, for example, those in which a brand is able to obtain results through a single communication channel, most companies must think in omnichannel if they want to achieve global commercial growth and increase their profits.

Customers expect a fluid, relevant and personalized interaction experience across all communication channels and it is important for companies to provide it. This, in fact, allows them to grow up customer loyalty and reduce the drop-out rate. Every customer is unique, so companies must also think of different experiences for different types of customers. From their workplace to their possible food restrictions, there are many aspects that influence people's buying habits and needs. When customers are about to start a new phase in their lives, it increases the likelihood that they will need new products and services, so they will be available to consider for more personalized global buying opportunities.


Today, customers are more likely to face a buying experience when they receive relevant offers and products they actually need. On the other hand, retailers are equally satisfied because more of their offers hit the mark, which means more money in their pockets. All this thanks to the growth of technologies and digital channels that have enabled companies to get more customer's data.
Without these technologies and without the amount of data that can be obtained from them, companies risk opening a wrong type of store, in the wrong position and at the wrong time, and ultimately seeing it fail.

Thanks to a unified view of customers, companies can create more relevant, engaging and consistent interactions through each channel and point of contact, be it social media, mobile devices or a new channel yet to be discovered. The future is omnichannel and companies that already think about how to exploit the new opportunities offered by an omnichannel strategy are ahead of their competitors.


Brand Reputation

Speaking of Brand Reputation is not at all simple, it is the very substance for which a company is really successful or not, it is the irrefutable proof of the representative image that a company gives of itself. Whether it is for one reason or another, the processes that can cause damage a brand are many and must always be kept very well under control, so, above all on the web, the brand reputation is one of the fundamental elements that can positively influence or not, both on the representative processes of the company and on the web marketing strategies.
The brand reputation or reputation of the brand, identifies the web reputation referred to the name of a product, a company or a brand, or how much and how the name of a product or a brand is known and appreciated on the web. brand reputation does not depend only on the communication of the company, as it was before the advent of digital marketing, but it is the result of a collective process, in which all the stakeholders of the company play a fundamental role and the reputation ends up depending on how they perceive the brand and the actions that the company undertakes on a daily basis. It is shown how brand reputation brings better results than the unidirectional communication of the company in deploying the effect of brand advertising on the results of the value of brand equity. traditional, like social media, increase the value perceived by the consumer with respect to marketing activities and hence the importance to the user himself in generating sales and positive word of mouth, which are useful for building and managing the brand's reputation "
from wikipedia

It goes without saying therefore that reputation depends on factors internal to the company, including behaviour towards employees, collaborators, salesmen and all those who directly or indirectly come into contact with the company itself. In addition transparency, the sense of civic responsibility that in turn affects the social responsibility of the company itself committed to competing in its markets and finally, from elements and external factors that are not always controllable including factors of political economy, factors of crisis, industrial and macroeconomic assessment.


The relationship between omnichannel and brand reputation

Today, more than ever, two such complex arguments as the definition of the omnichannel customer and the management of the brand reputation are closely related, as the growth of reputation is a natural consequence of setting up a correct omnichannel strategy. Other advantages can be, for example, greater customer loyalty and the reorganization of the internal company structure. It should not be forgotten that implementing new marketing strategies also involves setting up new information flows between the departments within the company.

GMDE will participate in the event "THE CUSTOMER OMNICHANNEL BETWEEN CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE AND BRAND REPUTATION". During the event ideas and useful ideas will be shared to start thinking in omnichannel, without forgetting all aspects related to the omnichannel strategy.

For the complete agenda of the event, please visit the dedicated page.
Participation is completely free but upon registration.




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