Published on
June 13, 2018

Sfide e idee per l'industria dell'editoria e della stampa

Published on
2018-06-13 00:00:00

Ediland meeting - Verona, 13 e 14 giugno 2018 [ ITALIAN VERSION ONLY ]

The meeting

Ediland meeting is a conference promoted by FIEG (Italian Federation of Newspaper Publishers), ASIG (Italian Newspaper Printer Association) and Technical Observatory "Carlo Lombardi".

The central theme of the meeting is related to the challenges that the publishing and daily press industry faces each year and to the ideas that open new prospects for rebirth.
New products, new business models, difficulties in the advertising market, opportunities and risks in the digital business, rationalisation of the distribution chain and production processes, new scenarios of industrial relations these are the topics that will be addressed in the two half days of the event.
Round tables will be organized where ideas and ideas will be shared among the major players in the market. Divided by type of product, both as promoters of new technologies and as suppliers of consumables, the speakers will give visibility to what according to them must be changed to bring innovation in a sector that for years now is given as to decline.

During the event will also be announced the results of research carried out by the Technical Observatory "Carlo Lombardi" during the year 2017.

About ASIG, FIEG and the Technical Observatory "Carlo Giuliani"

ASIG, Italian Newspaper Printing Association, brings together national newspaper publishing and printing companies, and press agencies. The Association includes all the most important national and regional newspapers, the largest Italian news agency and some of the most significant provincial newspapers, representing almost seventy percent of the employees in the newspaper industry.
FIEG, Italian Federation of Newspaper Publishers, represents the publishing companies of daily newspapers and periodicals and the national press agencies. The FIEG is joined by the Italian Press Association and the Federation of Advertising Dealers. The objectives set out in the Statute include the protection of freedom of information; the protection of the economy of publishing companies as an essential condition for the exercise of freedom of information; the development of the dissemination of the media as information and publicity media; the defence of the moral and material rights and interests of associated enterprises.

The Technical Observatory for Newspapers and News Agencies was established in 1988, when the Collective Labour Agreement for employees of newspaper publishing and printing companies and news agencies was renewed, as a joint body of entrepreneurs-trade unions involved in the collection and dissemination of data on the Italian publishing industry.

When and where Ediland meeting will be held

Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 June 2018 from 12:00
At the Hotel Leopardi, Via Leopardi 16, 37138 Verona


Agenda of topics

Wednesday 13 June 2018 - Verona - Hotel Leopardi Congress Centre

13.00 - Light Lunch

13.30: Registration of participants

14.00: Greeting addresses
- Gianni Paolucci, President, ASIG
- Fabrizio Carotti, Director General, FIEG

-- First session: challenges for publishers

14.30: Trend of the publishing industry in the world
- Sergio Vitelli, Secretary, ASIG
- Manfred Werfel

15.30: Digital Business - Companies and suppliers will discuss technologies, products and services
- Dario Meroni GMDE
- Michele Manzato, Athesis
- Massimo Pioli, Exelis
- Giancarlo Vanoni, Tecnavia
- Fabrizio Riva, Atex

16.30: Coffee break

16.45: FCP-Federazione Concessionarie PubblicitĂ : focus on the advertising market
- Massimo Martellini, FCP President
- Massimo Colombo, Il Sole 24 Ore

17.30: Sogemedia
- Jean Pierre de Kerraoul

19.00 - End of the first session
20.30 - Dinner and entertainment at Villa Ormaneto


Thursday 14 June 2018 - Verona - Hotel Leopardi Congress Centre
-- Second session: management and industrial challenges
9.15: Ideas and solutions for the management of the production process

-  Andrea Mannoni, Kodak

10.30 -Electronic invoicing between B2G/B2B/B2C: obligation or opportunity?
- Angelo Cian, Zucchetti

11.00 - Coffee break

11.15: The 2018 report on the newspaper industry in Italy
- Alberto Di Giovanni, President of Osservatorio Quotidiani
The contractual mechanism and the related welfare - the role of trade union relations and the sustainability of the sector

11.45 - Welfare in Italy
- Riccardo Catini, President of Fondo Salute Sempre

12.15 - Round table: Introduced and coordinated by: Gianni Paolucci, President of ASIG
- Francesco Cipriani, Fieg
- Alberto Di Giovanni, President, Osservatorio Quotidiani
- Paolo Polidori, Resp. Commission for Industrial Relations, ASIG

13.30 - End of the work e Light Lunch

The agenda is subject to changes due to the confirmation of the rapporteurs


GMDE is sponsor of Ediland Meeting 
Provider of solutions dedicated to the daily publishing market for 25 years, is sponsor of the event.




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