Published on
October 8, 2019

"Augmented" Journalism

Published on
2019-10-08 00:00:00

The information at the time of artificial intelligence

"Artificial intelligence" is a computer science discipline that studies theoretical foundations, methodologies and techniques enabling the design of hardware systems and software programme systems capable of providing the computer with a performance which, to a common observer, appear to be the exclusive domain of human intelligence.
This discipline finds an application in many areas, such as the medical, financial and legislative fields. For this very reason, some of the most renowned scientists and philosophers have begun to debate the ethical as well as theoretical and practical aspects of the application of artificial Intelligence.

GMDE, which in 25 years of experience has been able to support the major Italian publishers by always providing the most innovative solutions presented in the publishing market, did not want to miss the opportunity to be a promoter, together with ANSA, of an event dedicated to journalism and artificial intelligence.
The solutions proposed by GMDE, in fact, allow the best use of artificial intelligence applied for example to the storage of materials, the automatic tagging of texts, the complete management of metadata.

ANSA and augmented journalism

Artificial intelligence is also used in the field of information.
Recently, news organisations have begun to use AI more and more to change the way news is generated, produced, published and shared. It has been shown that machine learning algorithms are able to find models in text and to discover useful information that accurately summarises the data within the texts analysed. Using these advanced algorithms to analyze huge amounts of data from press releases, blog posts, comments, social media posts, pictures, videos and any kind of unstructured content, journalistic organisations can quickly follow developments in given news and generate new content.

ANSA has wanted to realize a moment of deepening on the topic of the relationship between artificial intelligence and journalism. A unique opportunity to discuss how the most modern technologies based on artificial intelligence can transform but also challenge the traditional way of doing journalism.

Conference and Hackathon

The event organised by ANSA is divided into two parts:

12-13 October 2019: "Journalism and artificial intelligence, your idea in the ANSA hackathon". 

The goal of the hackathon, realized in collaboration with Talent Garden, is the development of innovative solutions in the following areas: the fight against fake news, the support in the editing, the creation of new business models.
The hackathon will be held from 9:30 am on October 12 to 18:00 on October 13 at Talent Garden headquarters in Via Ostiense, 92, Rome.
For more information and/or subscribe to the hackathon please visit the dedicated page

22 October 2019: "Information at the time of the AI, where we arrived"

On October 22, experts and representatives of the journalistic world will discuss the issues related to AI, followed by the «Round Table of Directors» which will see the Directors in charge of the main news publications discuss the topics under discussion.
The conference will be held at Talent Garden in Via Ostiense, 92 in Rome.
For more information visit the dedicated page.



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