Published on
February 13, 2019

B2B Marketing Conference by ANES

Published on
2019-02-13 00:00:00

The future and the innovation of marketing

February 13, 2019
Milano Auditorium GiĆ² Ponti c/o Assolombarda
An innovative event dedicated to marketing organized by ANES, the National Association of Sector Publishing, will be held for the first time in Milan on February 13th. The event will be attended by authoritative speakers specialized in the B2B sector and in which will be held thematic workshops that will have as the main purpose the presentation of operational and useful services.

ANES has already estimated the participation of about 400 representatives with a high-quality audience, divided between CEOs, business managers and marketing managers.

The event is a further offer dedicated to the 6 million readers (between companies and professional operators operating in 28 different product areas) of ANES members, publishing companies operating in the specialized publishing sector. In addition to creating content for dedicated newspapers published both on traditional and digital media, publishers want to succeed with this event to bring further digital innovation to their clients' businesses.

4 key themes

Four key themes will be presented during the conference.
  • SMART CONTENT: Editorial content seen as a primary source for generating new leads.
  • LEAD GENERATION: Use digital and social media to improve sales performance.
  • DATA VALUE: Rethinking business functions and processes thanks to data organization.
  • FUTURE MARKETING: Artificial intelligence and neuromarketing at the service of marketing strategies.

GMDE Sponsor of the event

GMDE, partner of ANES, will be present as a sponsor of the event and with a presentation dedicated to the DATA VALUE.
Carlo Caporizzi will hold the 20-minute workshop on the importance of data organization aimed at optimizing internal workflows in particular in the communication field.

-> For information about the speakers and the complete program, we invite you to visit the event page (in Italian language).




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