
Face to face with... Carlo Caporizzi

Published on
2020-08-05 00:00:00

GMDE at Richmond Marketing Forum edition 2020

GMDE will participate in the Richmond Marketing Forum to be held from 11 to 13 November 2020 in Rimini.
Below, you can read the interview with Carlo Caporizzi about the decision of GMDE to renew its presence at the event.

Hello Carlo and thank you first of all for this short interview. This year GMDE will return to the Richmond Marketing Forum for the third consecutive year. If you want to make a balance sheet, what added value did the previous contributions leave you?

Definitely a human relationship value. We have built a lot of relationships on the personal and work level mainly because the previous participations have given us the awareness of being on the right road regarding the strategic and product choices. This showed us that, participation after participation, the demand for what we were doing was growing and becoming contemporary. In the beginning, however, we were a bit frightened because it seemed that companies had not fully understood our messages and saw our solutions too far from their needs, something beautiful but for them unrealizable. Now we see that they are looking for us and asking us to do even more. Yes, thanks to the Richmond events we have grown a lot in our awareness also on this market, the last "born" in the GMDE house.

For those who don't know you, what does your company do?

GMDE ha molti anni di esperienza nella gestione delle informazioni. Da alcuni anni estendiamo la nostra proposta, inizialmente destinata esclusivamente al mercato dell'editoria e della stampa, alle PMI. Il nostro obiettivo è supportare le aziende che vogliono affrontare la trasformazione digitale fornendo consulenza e tecnologie, i cui obiettivi principali sono la gestione integrata di tutti i canali di comunicazione dell'azienda e la conseguente riduzione degli errori nel funzionamento e un notevole miglioramento del time to market.

Where do you think we are with the spread of digital culture in our country? Do you find that there is greater awareness? And how has the approach and the relationship with the customer on the topics of Digital Transformation changed over the years?

There is a large gap due mainly to the possibility of some companies being able to invest or not in some technologies compared to others. Surely yes, it’s a process that started slowly and now speeds up exponentially. Companies have understood that implementing the Digital Transformation despite the fear of change is now a must to which you can not and should not resist, or end up out of the market without even realizing it.

--> Read the complete interview (in Italian language only)



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