Published on
May 22, 2020

GMDE and Studio Alberto valeri together for Piedmont publishing

Published on
2020-05-22 00:00:00

A new way of working for local newspapers

June 25, 2020

It is known that the publishing industry is going through a phase of change and also that publishers are trying to find business models more responsive to current reality.

GMDE and Studio Alberto Valeri are committed, on their side, to offer solutions that make “the news” more competitive and less expensive. Studio Alberto Valeri is a company that provides newspapers and weeklies with the graphic design of a possible renewal of the newspaper and has been working with GMDE for years.
They have therefore thought to organize an event, initially dedicated to the local newspapers of Piedmont, to present a new formula dedicated to publishers: graphic design and publishing system to govern it in a single package.
During the event, GMDE and Studio Alberto Valeri, together with L’Eco del Chisone, will present their proposal and all the details of the project. The event will be held in Pinerolo right at the headquarters of the ‘Eco del Chisone, weekly with which was recently completed a cooperation project, with great professional satisfaction of all.
The event, scheduled for next June 25, will take place in the morning with a light lunch closing. 
The morning will begin with a speech by Paola Molino, director of L’Eco del Chisone and will follow with Diego Minonzio, director of La Provincia di Como, Lecco, Sondrio.

Agenda of the event

10:00 Welcome and registration of participants

10.30 The local journalism, the experience of L’Eco del Chisone
Paola Molino, Eco Manager of Chisone

11.00 The value of local news
Diego Minonzio, Director of La Provincia di Como, Lecco, Sondrio

11.30 Construction of news for page templates
Alberto Valeri, art director

12.00 The management of editorial flows
Dario Meroni, Sales Manager Systems GMDE

12:30 Light lunch buffet

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