Published on
March 11, 2020
Call 4 Bids

Public notice for the adoption of Smart Working business plans

Published on
2020-03-11 00:00:00

Call of the European Social Fund 2014-2020

It is a few days ago the announcement of a notice of the Lombardy Region aimed at the promotion of smart working in Lombardy companies, an organizational model that allows greater flexibility with regard to the place and working time.
Especially at this time, adopting smart working plans allows to increase productivity and increase the well-being of workers and workers, as well as to avoid general crisis situations.

The Notice is addressed to employers, members of the Chamber of Commerce or in possession of VAT, with at least 3 employees, to cover:
- consultancy and training services aimed at the adoption of a smart working plan with the related business agreement or business regulation approved and advertised in the bulletin board and the company intranet;
- purchase of “technological tools” to implement the smart working plan.

The type of eligible assistance shall cover:

  • Training activities for management and employees.
  • Initiation of a pilot project.
  • Purchase of technological equipment (computers, smartphones, software).

The activities should be carried out exclusively at Lombardy operating or operating sites.

The facility is granted as a business voucher.

Applications may be submitted from 2 April 2020 until 15 December 2021.

Call us for more information about the ban. We will answer all your questions and you will be supported throughout the voucher application process and until the end of the project by a certified GMDE Innovation Manager, thanks to our Call4Bids service.



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