Published on
September 5, 2018


Published on
2018-09-05 00:00:00

World Publishing & Content Expo

Berlino Messe BErlin

IFRA World Publishing & DCX Content Expo

Since 1970, IFRA World Publishing Expo is the annual event par excellence dedicated to publishing and communication where innovative suppliers for the publishing industry and graphics have the opportunity to present solutions and products used to improve efficiency during production, reduce costs and increase margins.

Since the 2017 edition, the expo has broadened its proposal and set up four auditoriums inside the exhibition area where, thanks to a rich agenda of interventions, the leading experts in the sector will talk about the latest trends in publishing and printing.

DCX Content Expo is instead dedicated to the discovery of ideas and solutions for the creation of content and for their distribution on mobile, social and online digital platforms. DCX in conjunction with IFRA World Publishing will show tools and new technologies that will help publishers and marketers reach a wider audience and successfully monetize each new offering.

--> IFRA&DCX website



What is FIPP? FIPP is a digital network dedicated to all international media, representing companies and individuals involved in the creation of quality content, in their publication or in their sharing. FIPP helps its members develop new strategies to improve their business by identifying and communicating emerging trends, sharing knowledge and improving skills, all over the world.

FIPP respects and supports the freedom of printing, advertising and distribution, respecting global ecological standards to protect the environment.

FIPP represents more than 500 member companies, spread in over 60 countries, using the network to find new business partners and exchange information on new potential markets.

--> FIPP website

WAN-IFRA and FIPP together for communication

From this year the international exhibition dedicated to publishing will be organized in tandem by WAN-IFRA and FIPP. It will involve technology suppliers from all over the world to respond to the creation and management needs of content not only from an editorial point of view, thus mainly providing for print publication, but also for marketing purposes, where content is not journalistic but is dedicated to product promotion and the involvement of consumers and customers.

Why participate

Participating in the 2018 edition of IFRA means taking the opportunity to meet experts in the communication sector who can provide useful insights on how to review the internal processes of the editorial offices and marketing offices, create valuable content, publish in multi-channel and exploit new technologies in terms of Artificial Intelligence and process automation.

If up to a few years ago the exhibition was dedicated exclusively to the publishing field, with the entry of FIPP the people operating in marketing, promotion and communication departments cannot miss this appointment. International suppliers are ready to make their contribution both with the sole exhibition presence and with themed interventions in the auditoriums.


An agenda full of events, divided by topics such as:

- Analysis and automation

- Production of contents

- Publishing

- Management tools

- Advertising, monetization and payment systems

It is available directly on the event website by clicking here.




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