Published on
December 19, 2019

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Published on
2019-12-19 00:00:00

GMDE closed for holidays

We had welcomed 2019 and hoped that it would be a stimulating and full year of projects to be carried forward together.
Mission accomplished! Our expectations have been confirmed! 

Among the many positive initiatives of this year we want to highlight two in particular:
- GMDE Academy has brought new resources into our team, already known to some of you who have appreciated their value by giving us excellent feedback.
- GMDE Home, the great change of 2019, our new home of which we are very proud and which will allow us to continue in the path of growth begun some years ago.

2019 also consolidated our presence in the publishing markets, daily and periodical, both in pre-press and editorial environment.
We are increasingly your Publishing Solutions Provider!
Finally, we want to wish you all a peaceful and happy Christmas, but even more a fantastic New Year!

We also take this opportunity to announce that our offices will be closed during the Christmas holidays from December 23th to January 1st 2020.

GMDE will be closed for holidays but, as always, guarantees all local and remote assistance services for customers with an ACTIVE service contract. The LIVE support and assistance services for the systems and prepress areas will be available.



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