Published on
January 25, 2021

Publishing 5.0: incentives for the digital transition are being studied

Published on
2021-01-25 00:00:00

The introduction of new occupational profiles is one of the points in the analysis

Also for 2021 it will be possible for publishing companies to have access to funds dedicated to the development of Digital Transformation projects, but not only.

In fact, the Publishing Plan 5.0 provides interventions to facilitate the technological transition of the entire publishing process, to invest in the introduction of new figures and to support information.


Andrea Martella, undersecretary to the presidency of the council with delegation to publishing said: "We want to extend to publishing companies those tax incentives already present for industry 4.0; namely the tax credit, aimed at investment in capital goods, the training of new digital skills and the professional retraining of people over 45".

There will be "measures to support investments in technological protection devices, to ensure cybersecurity and combat digital piracy", another sore point, as a result of the development of digital channels.

"We also want to open the possibility for the publishing sector to participate in calls for research and development related to the digital agenda, giving them access to capital contributions for the implementation of editorial marketing projects to optimize the professional chain" therefore aiming at the inclusion of figures dedicated to the development of the publishing business.

Last goal of Publishing 5.0 is the support to the demand for information. "We aim to promote digital literacy, promoting information and critical reading" allocating bonuses of 100 euros for families to subscribe to digital subscriptions to newspapers".


Eligible costs


Here are some points of the Bill nr.70, the most in line with the proposal of GMDE to the publishing sector, which will be confirmed for 2021:

2. The following costs related to the exercise of editorial activity for the production of the magazine for which the contribution is requested in the reference year of the contribution are eligible for reimbursement:


c) cost of press agency news subscriptions, including the cost of purchasing information, photographic and multimedia services provided by press agencies, with the exception of editorial services consisting in the preparation, even partial, of pages of the magazine;

d) cost for the purchase and installation of hardware, basic software and application for the digital edition;

e) cost for the design, construction and management of the website and for its ordinary and evolutionary maintenance;

f) cost for the management and feeding of web pages;

g) cost for the installation of publishing systems that allow the management of subscriptions for a fee, interactive areas with readers and platforms that allow integration with digital payment systems.


We remind you that the service Call4bids by GMDE, is a service dedicated not only to the reporting of benefits but also to the support of companies, in this case editorials, who want to access funding to develop new projects.

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