Published on
April 23, 2020

Digital strategies for global markets

Published on
2020-04-23 01:44:37

Support for access to international e-commerce and booking platforms

The Chamber of Commerce Milano Monza Brianza Lodi, with the D.G. n. 43 of 09.03.2020 has approved a ban in order to support the MPMI in the definition of strategies of expansion and consolidation of own competitiveness also on the foreign markets through the development of channels of promotion and digital commercialization. Then particular, the call intends to support the promotion of businesses through digital tools aimed at also facilitating access to e-commerce platforms and international booking (B2B, B2C, I2C), increased competitiveness through digital marketing and the acquisition of forms of smart payment.


Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises of all economic sectors with registered office and/or active office registered in the Companies Register of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi.

Eligible expenditure

Eligible activities and services will need to be structured taking into account more integrated actions.
It is mandatory to verify the online positioning level of the company through the consultation of specific tools for SEO performance analysis of the website and evaluation of online competition in the target countries, on the basis of indications from the market analysis phase (services provided free of charge by Promos Italia).
Costs are eligible for inclusion and/ or maintenance fees on tourist booking platforms, marketplace (B2B, B2C and I2C) and acquisition and use of forms of smart payment (pro-quota for the duration of the call); promotion actions on target markets with the use of digital and social media marketing tools; preparation of product portfolios, translations,  photo shooting, web design, content strategy; SEO enhancement actions; digital promotion campaigns, of couponing, inbound marketing, presence of social channels.


Applications may be submitted from 9:00 am on 07 April 2020 until resources are exhausted, and in any case no later than 12:00 on 16 November 2020.

For more information --> Website of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, Monza Brianza and Lodi


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