Published on
June 17, 2019

Web Marketing Festival 2019

Published on
2019-06-17 00:00:00

The biggest Digital and Social Innovation Festival!

June 20, 2019

What is the future you want to help create?

The Palacongressi in Rimini will host from 20 to 22 June the seventh edition of the Web Marketing Festival, the event divided into workshops, debates, guests, cultural entertainment in which the theme of digital innovation will be addressed.
The edition that kicks off on Thursday, June 20 wants to repeat and surpass the numbers of the 2018 edition that saw the participation of about 18,000 people including CEO, CTO, Marketing managers, IT directors, students and freelancers.


In the program of the festival there will be interventions dedicated to the traditional themes of the Festival, including SEO, content marketing, social media strategies, e-commerce and startup, but will also talk about robotics, Influencer Marketing, exportation and Gaming, Sustainability, Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence are increasingly topical issues when it comes to digital innovation.


Among the more than 150 confirmed speakers will be Alessandro Gallo of LinkedIn, storytelling expert Andrea Fontana, Larry Kim of MobileMonkey, debunker David Puente (Open) and representatives of companies such as Alitalia, Barilla, Benetton,, Burger King, Cisco, Enel, Gameloft, Intel, Lenovo, L'or‚al, Microsoft, Nielsen, Oracle, reply, Porsche Italia e Zalando, that will tell their experience in undertaking business changes in support of new business models.


Highly anticipated for the opening day, the writer and journalist Roberto Saviano who will talk about disinformation and the impact of the latter on the theme of integration. The phenomenon of fake news and the disinformation that contaminates the flow of information on issues such as immigration and integration, constantly at the top of the media agendas, will be faced by Saviano.


"to reflect on these themes together with Roberto Saviano during the opening of the Festival, will be an opportunity for comparison and inspiration for the construction of a better future", explains Cosmano Lombardo, CEO and founder of Search On Media Group and creator of the Web Marketing Festival.


Rimini, international capital of digital and innovation.


The event will be attended by all the most important Italian and international players in the fields of communication, technology, publishing and journalism, sports and digital, This is because the #WMF19 is a huge place where you can find different worlds, all connected to digital, where you offer the skills to grow professionally and personally.


GMDE will be present at #WMF19. Thanks to the experience gained in years dedicated to the support of small and large Italian publishers and the new proposals for omnichannel communication, GMDE stands at the level of the most important providers of solutions in the field of Digital Innovation.


Palacongressi in Rimini, from 20 to 22 June 2019, stand 44. We are waiting for you!




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