
An event for publishing of Piedmont

Published on
2020-07-16 11:33:46

New graphics and new editorial system on special offer!

A meeting full of ideas, what organized by GMDE and Studio Alberto Valeri at the headquarters of L 'Eco del Chisone that was held on June 25 last.
Taking its cue from the complete reorganization that was faced by the editorial staff of the Eco del Chisone following a printing need linked to a change of the size of the newspaper, GMDE and Alberto Valeri thought about what could be done together for publishers of similar titles.

The Echo of Chison, the case

Paola Molino, director of L 'Eco, opened the event by telling how life in the editorial office has changed since last summer, when Eng. De Cian, Director of the CSQ Centro Stampa Quotidani, proposed to change the format of the newspaper. The new format would have allowed a reduction in costs and greater flexibility in the timing of printing. After the first moment of awareness of the opportunity, the director Molino went further deciding to take advantage of the format change to completely review the graphics of the newspaper and to change the mode of production of the newspaper.
Relying on GMDE and Studio Valeri, the editorial staff has seen the daily work upset but has been able to appreciate the benefits brought by the adoption of the publishing system.

The province of Como, Lecco, Sondrio

Diego Minonzio, Director of La provincia di Como, Lecco and Sondrio brought to the event his vision about the local news. An in-depth knowledge of the readers, given by the territory of distribution of the newspaper, allows them to propose the type of information they want, local news where knowledge of the events taking place in the neighbourhood is preferred to the wider one covering the whole national territory.
Minonzio has also given cues for new editorial initiatives that have found positive feedback both by L 'Eco del Chisone and by other newspapers present at the event.

Digital printing, the customization you don’t expect

Guest of the event Luca Graziotto, Sales Manager of the CSQ Centro Stampa Quotidiani spoke about how the limited-edition digital press allows you to carry out editorial initiatives that go beyond the traditional newspaper. Special products and custom prints are just two of the many examples of which it was possible to see the final paper production. Graziotto, like Minonzio before him, gave interesting ideas to respond to the requests of readers and make unique the proposed content.


GMDE and Alberto Valeri

After a first and positive experience with L 'Eco del Chisone, GMDE and Alberto Valeri have decided to propose themselves together with publishers who want to renew both the graphics of the newspaper and their way of doing the publishing. With a graphic created using "book" pages and an editorial system that allows you to layout the contents for the paper, a traditional channel but that continues to be a source of livelihood of the newspaper, and for the web, both virtual leaflet and website, the proposal covers two of the most important aspects of the newspaper, visual impact and the production process.

GN4 publishing system for daily publishing

To newspaper publishers, GMDE has always proposed GN4 by Miles33, an English software house with publishing clients all over the world.
With features ranging from the creation of editions, up to the archiving of content, the publishing system GN4 is very appreciated for its adaptability to the individual publishing realities present in the daily publishing Italian panorama. It also allows you to review flows in web first mode and manage the borderò thus responding to many of the most frequent issues encountered by publishers.


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