Published on
April 14, 2020

Is digital resource management really performing?

Published on
2020-04-14 09:50:04

How to improve the transition from creation to publication of digital resources through DAM

Supply chains have existed since the advent of markets, they are certainly not a new phenomenon. But, while the equation of buying and selling is shifting to an increasingly digital world, the creation of content until its publication still takes place in ways that are not fully performing.

The digital assets

We live in the digital age. An era in which digital resources mark the landscape that surrounds us. In simple terms, a digital asset is content that is stored digitally. As technology advances, communication channels increase accordingly. New file formats are then created that are added to the category of digital resources.

As a result, the definition of a digital resource is constantly expanding.
Rather than a definitive list of file formats that qualify as a digital resource, a digital resource can be any content, in any format, that is stored digitally and provides value to the company. A digital resource can easily be described as Digital File + Metadata = Value = Digital Resources. This is why a company, in order to survive and prosper in the digital age, must have a solid grip on its digital heritage.

DAM, Digital Asset Management, is the useful tool to control everything that is digital in the company, where digital means any content produced by any system in the company.

What is a supply chain?

A supply chain is a succession of phases or processes that transform raw materials into a product used by the end customer. They may involve external organisations or potentially independently managed internal business units. Supply chain management is a well-established concept of operations management that has been widely used especially in logistics and production. Each connection in a supply chain adds value and contributes to the finished product.
In supply chains, the rate at which raw materials proceed through all the chain nodes to become finished products is defined as "productivity".

What is a digital resource supply chain?

Digital resources are similar to resources in a conventional or physical supply chain, and are therefore congruent with resources in physical supply chains.Digital asset managers shall consider digital resources as data and extrinsic metadata. Essentially, however, a digital asset is composed of several digital raw materials.

Even at the publishing level, most DAM systems now allow direct integration with digital channels. Not long ago, DAM systems were like content warehouses. Today they are the operating center of an organization’s digital resource supply chain. This is one of the main reasons why most of a company’s innovation starts with the implementation and integration of a DAM.

DAM at the heart of content management processes

After mapping the two processes, digital resource procurement and publication, It is necessary to analyse how digital materials flow into each other, taking into account that the DAM is right at the heart of the DAM to arrive at a holistic picture of its digital resource supply chain. It is also necessary to consider the activities carried out manually and to determine the roles and permissions of the persons involved.
Continuous improvement of these processes should be a key aspect of digital asset supply chains.
The DAM must therefore be seen as a key technology platform in an organization such as the ERP, e-commerce or point of sale system.

--> source: Creative Folks - Is your Digital Asset Supply Chain in order?


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