
Digital Restart 2020

Published on
2020-04-23 01:34:27

The call is addressed to all micro and small enterprises of all sectors, and is aimed at their support in response to the emergency COVID 19

In the framework of the measures promoted to support the territorial economic system in the face of the emergency COVID-19, the Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi has allocated 1.500.000 Euros for the "Call Restart Digital 2020". The special intervention, aimed at micro and small enterprises, is aimed at supporting - through contributions for the adoption of technologies and tools IT and digital - their emergency response capacity ensuring continuity of activities and strengthening the potential for rapid recovery.

Who is it for

Micro and small (MPI) are eligible for all sectors except those identified in the list of ATECO codes in Annex 1, with registered office and/or local units in the territorial district of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi.


To support, through grants (vouchers), investments and expenses in digital technologies, hardware, software, accessories, applications and specialist services enabling:

  • implement new organizational models (e.g. smart working, teleworking), through the adoption of technological tools and systems;
  • increase telematization of both back office and front office activities;
  • improve business efficiency through adoption of cloud technologies and solutions;
  • enjoy broadband and ultra-broadband connectivity, and therefore the connection to the internet.


From 10.00 of the day 7 April 2020 to 12.00 of 30 June 2020

For more information --> Website of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, Monza Brianza and Lodi


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