
Scoop! Sesia goes out with Fred! Fred who?

Published on
2021-04-23 17:46:35

The Piedmontese weekly, today on the newsstands with the first edition made with GN4

"This is the first issue of La Sesia produced with the new publishing system. Apparently little or nothing changes, the reader perhaps doesn’t even notice. For us, however, something changes. So after 16 years of honoured career La Sesia retires News & Photo and welcomes Fred. We chose the debut of the new system in any week, when we felt ready. No special recurrence. But things often don’t happen by accident."
These are the words with which Roberto Ponte, director of La Sesia, speaks of the great change of these days.

The weekly, born in 1871, is 150 years old this year. The first edition was composed of a single sheet written both in white and at a time. Today, however, the weekly edition ranges from 24 to 48 pages, created thanks to the work of the Director, six editors, two graphic designers and several external collaborators, whose photographic and textual contributions feed the pages of the newspaper.

The transition to the editorial system GN4 of M33 Naviga was decided by a no longer sustainable use of the old system, now obsolete. GN4 was immediately integrated with the M33 Naviga publishing suite.
Many processes have been automated thanks to GN4 (from the ingestion of the materials of the collaborators, to the color control of the images, up to the sending to the printer). All functions that an editorial system must have today. But with the advantage of being able to be a solid basis for updating all the publishing channels, digital or not, chosen by the publisher.

The editorial system proposed by GMDE proves once again to be a solution suitable for all editorial offices, with a high degree of customization and affordable costs for everyone.



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