Published on
March 12, 2020
Call 4 Bids

Direct support to companies publishing Italian publications abroad

Published on
2020-03-12 15:33:45

Department of Information and Publishing

The Department of Information and Publishing Support is directly supporting the press.
In recent months the department has created a section dedicated to ongoing calls that could affect both newspaper publishers and periodicals.

There are currently three calls dedicated to publishers:

1 - Contributions to publishing companies of Italian newspapers distributed abroad

The contribution aims to support the publishing companies of Italian newspapers distributed abroad that deal with topics of interest to the Italian communities in order to protect and disseminate Italian information abroad.

The grant may be granted to undertakings which publish:

  • Italian newspapers published and distributed abroad, with texts written for at least 50 percent in Italian;
  • newspapers published in Italy and distributed mainly abroad (for the paper edition, newspapers with a circulation abroad of at least 60 per cent of the total number of copies distributed are considered to be predominantly distributed abroad; for the exclusively digital edition, those that reach a percentage of monthly unique users abroad not less than 60 percent of the total number of monthly unique users).

2 - Contributions to companies publishing Italian periodicals abroad

The contribution aims to support the publishing companies of Italian periodicals abroad that deal with topics of interest to the Italian communities, in order to protect and disseminate the Italian language and culture as well as the promotion of the Italian system abroad.

Companies/associations which publish:

  • periodicals published and distributed abroad with written texts for at least 50 percent in Italian;
  • periodicals published in Italy and distributed mainly abroad.

3 - Contributions to periodicals published by consumer and user associations

The aim of this contribution is to support consumer associations and users' associations which publish periodicals of content strictly related to the protection of the collective interest of consumers.

Representative consumer and user associations at national level may have access to the grant, listed in the Ministry of Economic Development which publish periodicals relating to their statutory activities and regularly registered with the Tribunal.

For more information, please visit the dedicated page.
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