Published on
March 6, 2019

The customer between customer journey and brand reputation

Published on
2019-03-06 00:00:00

Milan, April 3th 2010 - by SOIEL International

March 4, 2019
Milano Enterprise Hotel - Corso Sempione
How can companies preserve the value of their brand and try to increase it further by always taking customer needs and their behaviour into consideration?
Complex but increasingly current topics when it comes to communication. Companies that want to keep up with market needs to start developing an innovation plan.

What the companies have to do to move in the right direction?
The annual appointment dedicated to the "Omnichannel customer", which will be held on April 3rd at the Enterprise Hotel in Milan, can help companies that want to be informed. Two main themes of the event organized by SOIEL International: the omnichannel customer and the Brand Reputation.

The speakers present at the event will also answer questions such as:
- How is corporate reputation management changing in the light of digitization, omnichannel communication and seamless experience?
- What elements should be considered to understand and interpret the trends of its customers, to keep their attention and create loyalty?
- How to create a link between brand analytics and innovation?
- How to manage new cyber risks?
- How to protect the online reputation and what is the jurisprudence in support?

GMDE will participate in the event with a presentation completely focused on the customer entitled "360ΓΈ Omnichannel customer behaviour"
"Knowing what a CDP is (Custom Data Platform) and what a difference there is compared to a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) can make the difference in the relationship with the customer. Combining multiple data sources and creating segments of interest are only two of the basic features of a Custom Data Platform: marketers cannot miss the opportunity to have a better view of the market and the opportunities created by the collection of precious metrics such as site visits, results of customer journey marketing and analysis campaigns."

For the complete agenda of the event, please visit the dedicated page.
Participation is completely free but upon registration.



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