
Call for proposals Enterprise Development 4.0

Published on
2020-04-23 01:21:43

Development of projects for testing, prototyping and marketing of innovative solutions, applications, products and services enterprise 4.0

The Ministry of Economic Development has launched the "National Plan Industry 4.0 - Investments, productivity and innovation", which also introduces in Italy a national strategy on the theme of the fourth industrial revolution which adopts, among its guidelines, the principle of "technological neutrality" and that of "horizontal and non-sectoral interventions".
The Lombard Chambers of Commerce have approved the project "Point Digital Enterprise" (PID), in order to promote the dissemination of culture and digital practice in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (from now on MPMI), of all economic sectors through:
  • the dissemination of "digital culture" among the MPMI of the Chamber’s territorial district;
  • raising companies' awareness of digital solutions and their benefits;
  • the economic support to the initiatives of digitization in Enterprise 4.0 implemented by the companies of the territory in parallel with the services offered by the constituents of PID;

Who is it for

For Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises located in the Lombardy Region.


Promote the implementation of projects for testing, prototyping and placing on the market of innovative solutions, applications, products and services enterprise 4.0, stimulating the long-term demand for such solutions and encouraging the collaboration of companies with qualified entities in the field of the use of I4.0 technologies. Particular emphasis will be given to projects which:

  • encourage the development of digital solutions in response to the health emergency caused by the COVID-epidemic19 relating in particular to the prototyping or development of medical devices and/or components or to occupational safety and/or emergency management process innovation;

  • encourage green driven production development models geared to quality and sustainability through products/services with lower environmental and social impacts.


From 10.00 on 20 April 2020 until 12.00 on 30 June 2020

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