
New National Transition Plan 4.0: the requirements to access the facility

Published on
2021-04-13 16:31:22

Machinery of the printing industry covered by the plan

Transition 4.0 is the plan put in place by MISE (Ministry of Economic Development) to give support to companies that want to renew themselves by recovering more of the investments.
For 2021, in fact, the rates of Material Goods 4.0 have been increased.Specifically: for expenditure below 2.5 million Euro, new rate at 50% in 2021 and 40% in 2022; for expenditure above 2.5 million Euro and up to 10 million Euro, new rate at 30% in 2021 and 20% in 2022; for expenses exceeding 10 million Euro and up to 20 million Euro was introduced a new ceiling, rate of 10% in 2021 and 2022.


Main actions of Transition 4.0

The main actions of the plan are:

  • Support and encourage companies that invest in new capital goods, both tangible and intangible, functional to the technological and digital transformation of production processes.
  • Stimulate private spending on Research, Development and Technological Innovation to support the competitiveness of businesses and foster digital transition processes.
  • To stimulate business investment in staff training on technologies relevant to the technological and digital transformation of enterprises.


A clarification should be made regarding the capital goods involved: the technological and digital transformation of the company that chooses to introduce new machinery is only and exclusively attainable if the latter are interconnected with each other. The possibility of linking capital goods is therefore a prerequisite.


How to define if a machine is considered 4.0?

To be able to obtain the facility from Transition 4.0 plan, the instrumental asset must: to be controlled by a CNC (numerically controlled computer), to be interconnected to factory computer systems with which to exchange data and information related to production, to have automated integration with other machines in the production cycle.

In addition to these requirements, the machines must meet two of the following parameters: remote machine control (tele-maintenance), continuous monitoring mode, integration between physical machine and production process.

Be careful though. If a machine meets all the requirements and parameters required but is not interconnected in the company network is considered as ordinary, the company therefore cannot benefit from the facilities proposed by the plan.


Transition 4.0 for the printing industry

There is a revolution in the Italian industrial sector. The plan is in fact giving new support to companies, and in the printing market in which GMDE operates, to allow them to implement new technologies for a better positioning in their market and compared to competitors.

GMDE has always proposed state-of-the-art machines both for the prepress room (CTP, Developer, Bending and Rollerie) and for printing (press control systems). The international partners, with whom GMDE has been operating for years, guarantee that their products meet the specifications required by plan 4.0.

Not only that. GMDE has activated a service, Call4bids, able to support the press centers in accessing the facilities and contributions provided and in producing the relevant documentation useful to obtain the facilities offered by the plan.



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