
Digital Content Observatory 2022

Published on
2022-03-10 09:46:45

Kick-off event of the Politecnico di Milano: in step with research for innovation and development in the publishing industry.

GMDE participates again this year as a partner in the Digital Content 2022 Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano, which analyzes and studies the development and innovation of the publishing industry with respect to digital content through the exchange and comparison of ideas among professionals. In the kick-off event, the main topics addressed were: research, the network and communication.

Research has the important task of bringing innovations and improvements within the supply chain, allowing a deeper knowledge of the digital market, giving advice on opportunities and on the current trend, always keeping an eye on greater sustainability. It therefore plays a fundamental role of support for the players of the sector in the understanding of the different dynamics and in the formulation of dedicated strategies.

Compared to last year’s edition, current data shows an increase in buyers' spending on digital content, especially with regard to video, information and music.

This year, in particular, research will therefore be focused on the consumer and on behavior within the market and in the supply chain, also focusing on the role of aggregator platforms and technological innovation by identifying and classifying meaningful solutions.

The Network, supported by the observatory through the establishment of relations, allows a cooperation between different business realities with the ultimate goal of mutual help. The observatory acts as a center of aggregation because it implies a sharing of its contents and business contacts creating a chain of possible collaborations or/ and new customers.

The next events organized are two work-shops scheduled on 5 July 2022 and 26 October 2022 with the closing conference on 13 December 2022.

GMDE gives you the opportunity to participate in these meetings to stay up to date and make your contribution to the research.
If you wish to give support and contribute to the research, click here

For more information visit Osservatori Digital Innovation 



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