Published on
May 19, 2020

Omnichannel Customer Experience

Published on
2020-05-19 00:00:00

Digital Innovation Observatory now in its 4th edition

GMDE is partner of the Omnichannel Customer Experience Observatory

Some numbers related to Omnichannel
In recent years there has been a growing awareness among Italian companies about omnicanality but companies are still struggling to put it into practice.
More than 80% of the Italian population over the age of 14 has a multichannel perspective (that is, a role of digital in the purchasing process) in interaction with brands.In most cases, organisational structures do not have an adequate governance structure to ensure appropriate omnichannel management, due to the presence of organizational silos that prevent the management of the relationship with the customer in an integrated manner (for 52% of cases) and the absence of dedicated figures in the company (35%).

The Omnicanale approach in Italy: 70% of companies declare a strong commitment of the top management, but only 6% can be said to be really "mature".
Still very often (in 44% of cases) you feel strongly the lack of skills (both vertical, that in terms of soft skills) necessary for the management of the omnichannel customer experience; also the absence of a widespread organizational culture customer-centric is a significant obstacle for 48% of cases.
In 42% of the cases the enterprises judge null, or at the most limited, the own ability to generate business value from the data collected on the consumers and only 2% it judges optimal.
More than a third (35%) of companies favours a "project-based" approach aimed at data integration and the adoption of data-driven marketing technologies, while paying less attention to the strategic-organizational issue. While 27% are still only at the beginning of their journey towards omnicanality.

Read the full press release!

Objectives of the 2020 edition

In the field of research, the Observatory aims to:

  • develop case studies related to the implementation of omni-channel strategies in different business sectors and functions to identify the benefits and concrete benefits deriving from this approach (for the company and for consumers);
  • identify a possible measuring system to support the Omnichannel Customer Experience Management;
  • study the organizational models to support omnichannel and deepen the approaches to the spread of omnichannel culture within companies;
  • to analyze the technological evolution to support the omni-channel transformation in continuity with the analyses carried out in the previous editions of the Observatory;
  • develop an OCX model self assesment maturity that supports companies in the self-assessment of their omnichannel strategy;
  • identify the degree of maturity of Italian companies in the strategic approach to Omnichannel Customer Experience Management and what are the trends compared to the past.

Workshops and work tables

The activities planned by the Observatory for 2020 are:

  • an empirical research activity aimed at identifying use of concrete houses (in different sectors and for different company functions) with the aim of making practical use of the data available to organisations, what benefits can be obtained and with which Kpis you can measure the results of Omnichannel Customer strategies of Omnichannel Customer Experience Management; the picture is completed by a trend analysis of the maturity of Italian companies and a study of the organizational models to support and available technologies;
  • two internal workshops with the Observatory’s Partners and Sponsors, one aimed at addressing research activities, the other at sharing the results before the final Conference;
  • two meetings with the Advisory Board (reserved for representatives of the Advisory Board and Partners) dedicated to the construction of useful use houses for research purposes and preparatory to workshops;
  • two thematic workshops to present Research results: the first will focus on the topics of organisation and data management and exploitation, while the second will have the objective to analyze the benefits deriving from the implementation of an omnichannel customer experience strategy and the identification of a dashboard of KPI to support. Both events will also be an opportunity to share experiences and comparison between the Partners and Sponsors and companies in demand;
  • a work table (reserved for IT managers of client companies and supporters of the Observatory) based on group interaction and discussion and aimed at sharing experiences of companies belonging to different sectors, dedicated to the knowledge and role played on the issues of Omnichannel Customer Experience by the IT function;
  • a public conference to present the results of the research activity with round tables and interventions of the main protagonists of the sector.


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