
Informazioni di Prodotto: perchè e come condividerle tramite tecnologie software dedicate

Published on
2023-03-20 00:00:00

​​​​​​​PIM e DAM per la condivisione strutturata delle informazioni

March 21, 2023
On-line su https://ayama.academy/

How important is it to redesign information-sharing processes in the food supply chain? How can PIM and DAM technologically support those publication activities both online and offline?

We discuss this during a free webinar entitled "Product Information: why and how to share it through dedicated software technologies" to be held on March 21 starting at 11:00 am on the Ayama.Academy platform!



- Legal risk management and structured information sharing in the supply chain | Law. Andrea Iurato (Head Food Law Dept., CoFood Srls - LS Lexjus Sinacta Partner)

"The restart must not only focus on managing the crisis that has hit the supply chain in recent months, but it is essential to redesign processes and digitize procedures as much as possible, working on integrated and collaborative platforms. The legal risks that can arise in the process of sharing information in the supply chain should not be underestimated.

With Andrea Iurato, we will address risk management in the supply chain from the perspective of product information sharing, conveying to participants a panel of legal risks and related responsibilities."

- Managing product information using AYAMA software | Nives Cecchetto (Product Specialist AYAMA Software - VIDA Srl)
- Optimizing information sharing with PIM and DAM | Giuliana Dusi (CMO - GMDE Srl)

Two software tools for managing product information and its sharing in the supply chain in a structured way will be shown to participants:

AYAMA from VIDA Srl: the software platform for the integrated management of R&D, Laboratory and Quality
OIM is the PIM and DAM-based platform from GMDE Srl for structured information sharing and its omnichannel distribution.


At the end: space for questions from participants.






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