
Cx in B2B Advisory Board: Relationship with commercial intermediaries

Published on
2022-06-30 00:00:00

Second meeting of the working table of the CX observatory in B2b of the Polytechnic University of Milan

On 28 June 2022, the 2nd Advisory Board of the B2B Customer Experience Table was held, organized by the Digital Innovation Observatories of the Polytechnic University of Milan, of which GMDE is a partner.

The meeting with the theme "The relationship between companies and commercial intermediaries" had the following objectives:
  • Deepen the ways of engagement, collaboration and technological integration with commercial intermediaries.
  • Understand the various relationships: from the proprietary sales network to wholesalers, distributors, and the role of marketplaces.
  • Outline the guidelines, must-haves and technological solutions to support these relationships.
  • Report warnings from critical issues and real situations.

In the four working tables, the must-haves and warnings that characterize the customer experience in B2B relations were defined, touching on various points, from the sales network to business intermediaries.

Below are some of the Must Have and Warnings that emerged during the meeting.

Must Have


Strategy, change management and training

Monitoring competence and service levels

Clear strategies and point of sale involvement.

Respect distributors' internal policies

Brand consistency

Loss and reduced distributor loyalty

Data Analysis

Monitoring quality

Collecting, sharing and using training

Short Term Vision

The strategic vision of business partners

Repetitive 'old' approach

Listening to the CX customer

Protecting the value of brand identity

Internal organizational dimension

Data Sharing


What emerged from the round table?

From what emerged from the round table, we can say that it is fundamental to be able to establish a solid relationship with all those outside the company, such as salespeople, wholesalers and retailers, and not only with internal business units.
We can find the right solution by trying to create best practices regarding organizational solutions by managing CX in the best way possible in creating an experience that puts the business customer at the center.

On 19 October 2022 there will be the final workshop with the Research Results of the First Edition of the Table and we will not miss it!

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