
What’s the best PIM of the moment? Pimcore!

Published on
2020-10-14 14:55:00

Towards the PIM and beyond!

Before we talk about what the best PIM of the moment is we have to make a small digression on the difference between PIM and MDM, because in fact, Pimcore, as well as being a PIM solution is just an MDM solution.
Having the right system to collect and manage data is essential for the success of a company that chooses to implement an omnichannel strategy. Whether it’s information about consumers, stocks or products, everything is needed to support sales, but every company has different goals and different markets and this inevitably affects the way they choose to manage their data.
Master Data Management (MDM) and Product Information Management (PIM) are two of the most common systems for the management of product data but, although they are closely related, they are different from each other and you have to have clear in mind the difference.

Master Data Management (MDM)

MDM is a comprehensive system that does not only refer to a type of data management.  Its meaning may vary from company to company but as a general definition, MDM refers to a set of technologies that help manage all the data within a company. Data that may include:

  • Employees information 
  • Customer information
  • Products information
  • HR data
  • Finance data

MDM is a complete internal solution that helps to clean up and reorganize all business data. The data is channelled into a single repository, consolidated and enriched, and finally used to improve work processes. The MDM can act as a bridge between different data silos and define workflows in which all the figures inside the company participate, each respecting their role and their skills.

Product Information Management (PIM)

Although an MDM is capable of handling product data, it is not designed to focus specifically on enrichment. Product Information Management (PIM) is a subset of MDM that exclusively enriches product data for marketing purposes.

A PIM, which can exist independently outside an MDM, is an essential system for companies wishing to enrich the information of their products and increase their revenues.
--> source PIM vs MDM by Pimberly

Why Pimcore

Simply because it is not only the best PIM of the moment, but it is much more.
Pimcore is an award-winning software platform, recently named by Gartner "Cool Vendor", which offers added value in business processes and does so through a unique management of customer data and experience. The platform leverages the power of open source technology and offers revolutionary flexibility.
With a well-established platform for PIM/MDM, DAM, CMS and eCommerce, Pimcore makes product information management, digital asset management and professional website development an increasingly productive and enjoyable experience.

Finding PIM

If you are looking for a PIM, the best of the moment, expand your research to a solution that is able to support you in the management of product data but that you can be a solid basis on which to develop any future project.
The choice, made some time ago by GMDE, to rely on Pimcore to become a provider not only of technology for SMEs but also of support to deal with digital transformation was precisely to have no limits. If there’s a chance to think big, why stop?


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