
Digital Innovation in PMI: one, no one... eco-system!

Published on
2022-06-14 00:00:00

Closing conference of the Digital Innovation Observatory in PMI

June 16, 2022
Aula Magna Carassa e Dadda - Politecnico di Milano - Edificio BL.28, via Lambruschini 4, campus Bovisa, 20156, Milano (MI) e Online Streaming

Tutte le informazioni su Osservatori.net

The Conference presenting the results of the Research, collected thanks to the Observatory's work in the years 2021/2022, is an opportunity to get answers to the following questions:


  • Which strategy should be used to drive the digitisation of Italian PMI in the post-Covid era?
  • What role does the ecosystem play in the process of innovation and digitisation of Italian PMI?
  • Are the Made in Italy supply chains homogeneous from a digital point of view?
  • Can a supply chain approach be more effective in realising the digital transformation of enterprises?
  • What is the impact of innovation promotion bodies on the digitisation of national PMI?
  • Is there a relationship between innovation capacity and company size?


The closing conference

Two years have passed since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, which led PMI to approach, sometimes almost forced, digitisation. Now, however, it is necessary for the entrepreneurial system, also in the light of the huge investments envisaged by the NRP, to move from digitisation by necessity to digitisation by awareness. In this delicate transition, however, businesses and entrepreneurs must not be left alone. The responsibility for change must be shared with the ecosystems in which companies operate. Public administration, technology providers, financial intermediaries and trade associations must play their part, creating a fertile ecosystem within which PMI can proceed with the transformation, elaborating new visions thanks to a growing digital maturity.

The conference presenting the results of the 2021 Research of the Digital Innovation Observatory in PMI (Digital Innovation in PMI Observatory) aims to highlight the paths, challenges, benefits and obstacles that an ecosystem digitisation approach entails for Italian PMI.
Download the agenda



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