
GM SUMMIT live, edition entirely online!

Published on
2020-06-29 00:00:00

A new initiative, unique in its kind, dedicated to the business community of communication and marketing

July 6, 2020
GMSummit - Online! https://gmsummit.live/
Global Summit, the line of events dedicated to companies with topics ranging from marketing to logistics to human resources, offers a new format for the business community of marketing communication. You then move from a completely physical event to a new online mode.

What is GMSUMMIT.live

It is the reinterpretation of a physical event, designed with the aim of increasing the interaction between companies providing new technologies to support communication, digital marketing and eCommerce and specialists in these sectors who want to bring innovation into the company. It is a week of live events, in which participants have the opportunity to learn about new strategies, the tools and techniques that have enabled them to implement them and some success cases. Participants can also come into direct contact with whom they might become their future supplier.
The calendar of video conferences in live streaming to deepen topics and industry trends is online and constantly updated.

GMDE, an event's speaker 

Tuesday, July 7, from 10 am to 10:40 am, we will talk about how a Digital Experience Platform can be ideal support for companies of the future.
"The new marketing 4.0 pushes brands to focus more and more on experiences that create emotions. We are in fact in an era in which every interaction with the brand is expected to be intuitive, contextual, meaningful and omnichannel, and that constantly offers customized product experiences that can anticipate the needs of customers. In light of this and thanks to technology, brands can create an endless customer journey that is truly effective. So what is a Digital Experience Platform and what are the benefits of your use in the company? First of all the improvement of customer buying experiences."

More information

For more information on the event, how to participate, and on the agenda of the interventions, we invite you to visit the dedicated site (in Italian language only).


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