Published on
March 12, 2021

GMDE partner of Digital Innovation Observatories also for 2021

Published on
2021-03-12 00:00:00

Politecnico di Milano conducts research on the theme of Digital Innovation

"The Digital Innovation Observatories of the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano were born in 1999 with the aim of making culture in all the main areas of Digital Innovation. Today they are a qualified point of reference in the field of Digital Innovation in Italy and integrate research, communication and continuous updating activities."
GMDE, given the 2020 experience, has chosen to renew its commitment for 2021 to support three observers, one for each thematic area proposed (Digital Transformation, Digital Solution, Vertical).
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Digital innovation in Smes – Digital  Transformation  

Who are you talking to? To Italian small and medium-sized enterprises (10-249 employees) that want to exploit the potential of digital technology along the different business processes, setting themselves as a reference point to facilitate comparison between Smes, technology providers, trade associations and institutions.

What is this about? The research focuses on the digitalisation of over 200 thousand Small and Medium Enterprises present in Italy through the carrying out of surveys on representative samples of the Italian SME population on specific technological aspects (Big Data, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Smart Working, Internet of Things, Smart Car, Fintech & Insurtech, Blockchain & Distributed Ledger), the collection of data on statistically representative samples of the Italian population of small and medium-sized enterprises, some qualitative interviews, various analyses, various thematic workshops and a public conference to present the research results.

The objectives of the research:

  • provide a picture of the ecosystem and the role of Smes in the Italian market, also in the light of the recent COVID-19 crisis;

  • measure the level of digitisation of Italian Smes, highlighting the differences with large companies and European counterparts;

  • study the impact of digital on the economic performance of Italian Smes;

  • to illustrate the maturity of Italian Smes with respect to some themes of digital innovation (for example Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, Information Security, Smart Working, ecc.); 

  • investigate successful business models of Smes based on the use of digital technologies (with a focus on innovative Smes), to disseminate solutions and best practices;

  • disseminate the measures and incentives dedicated to digital innovation in Smes, assessing their impact and identifying possible future developments;

  • study the levels of digital innovation skills present in Italian Smes, identifying best practices for their dissemination. 

--> link to the dedicated page

Omnichannel Customer Experience – Digital Solutions  

To whom are you referring? Companies that want to understand the potential of a customer-centric and data-driven approach to customer relationship processes and the opportunities offered by omnichannel strategies.

What is this about? Several activities are planned such as an empirical research activity, two in-house workshops with partners and sponsors of the Observatory, a meeting with the Advisory Board, two thematic workshops to present the research results, a working table and a final public conference to present the results.

The objectives of the research: 

  • develop case studies related to the implementation of omnichannel strategies in different business sectors and functions to identify the benefits and concrete benefits deriving from this approach (for the company and for consumers);

  • identify a possible measurement system to support omnichannel customer experience management

  • study the organizational models to support omnichannel and deepen the approaches to the spread of omnichannel culture within companies;

  • to analyze the technological evolution to support the omni-channel transformation in continuity with the analyses carried out in the previous editions of the Observatory;

  • develop an OCX model self assesment maturity that supports companies in the self-assessment of their omnichannel strategy;

  • identify the degree of maturity of Italian companies in the strategic approach to Omnichannel Customer Experience Management and what are the trends compared to the past.

--> link alla pagina dedicata 


Digital Content  –  Verticals   

Who are you talking to? To the players in the sector (in particular those of Gaming and Esports, Music and Podcasts, Video Entertainment and Info and News) who want to have a greater knowledge of the digital content market, the opportunities offered and the main trends in place to contribute to its development.

What is it? Through numerous opportunities for meeting and comparison as a path of horizontal and vertical in-depth workshops and three work tables, during the research will touch on different topics: lthe creation of the various digital products, their monetization and diffusion, the consumer’s fruition behaviour, the quantification of the market, the innovation guidelines and the role of the customer experience in the fruition of the contents themselves. The results of the vertical research will then be presented publicly in three public conferences and in four reports during 2021.

The objectives of the research:

  • analyze and define the "digital content" in reference to the mapped industry (Digital Video, Digital Gaming, Digital Audio, Digital News);

  • map and describe the digital content chain in each sector;

  • study the evolution of business model associated with the different player operating in these Industry;

  • to analyse the behaviour of end-users in the use of digital content and to understand its underlying reasons;

  • quantify the digital content market in its main categories: Digital Video, Digital Gaming, Digital Audio, Digital News;

  • analyze and classify the innovation guidelines in the digital content market, with focus on the Digital Video, Digital Gaming, Digital Audio, Digital News segments, with the latest file outlining the evolutionary development of the sector and the trends in progress;

  • deepen the role of the Customer Experience within the digital content market;

  • analyze the use of innovative digital technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain and the opportunities and criticality generated by their use within the digital content market.

--> link to the dedicated page


For any information and/or request to participate in the above events, please contact us.



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