Published on
January 28, 2021

The impact of COVID-19 on the printing industry

Published on
2021-01-28 00:00:00

Useful initiatives to overcome the emergency period

What are the impacts of the COVID-19 on the printing market? What changes could be made to customer preferences in this market? These questions were answered by Smithers, a specialist in the analysis of the market segments of the printing industry.

Smithers in 2019 had drafted a market report in which it analyzed the future of the press but with the global pandemic in 2020 had to review its forecasts taking into account the likely economic impacts and changes in consumer behaviour resulting from the pandemic in the short and medium term.

In addition to the immediate effects on the market, the economic impact of COVID-19 could trigger permanent changes in the demand for printed products and accelerate some of the long-term trends already affecting the printing market.

Looking back at Smithers' predictions, we can say that of the three hypothetical scenarios, what we are experiencing is the "pessimistic impact", a scenario in which the vaccine has not yet been fully distributed and in which there are significant repercussions on all sectors, such as production, tourism and food.

In each scenario there is a decrease in printed production that could involve all segments of the press, in particular that of the publication of newspapers.

Despite everything, the packaging and labelling sectors are managing the situation, with a particularly evident growth of all those products connected to e-commerce channels, another phenomenon closely related to lock-down.

But how to cope with this period of uncertainty and strong changes, in which on the one hand there are the swinging behaviors of customers and on the other suppliers that offer increasingly competitive and innovative solutions?
Internal production processes must be rethought, file management flows optimized, human resources reorganized but also exploited new technologies, seizing the unique opportunity of strong incentives made available by State Authorities.

The State, together with the Ministry of Economic Development, the Regions and the Chambers of Commerce is preparing important actions such as loans and loans to support the entire sector of the printed paper. In addition, traditional suppliers of consumables and machinery have launched commercial initiatives to stimulate printers and operators in the publishing and printing world.

GMDE has long been committed to the search for technologically advanced solutions. In addition to this, it is careful, through a network of collaborations, to support companies that want to take advantage of state facilities by providing support and advice.
The Call4Bids service was designed specifically for this type of activity.



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