Published on
April 14, 2020

Reader’s Journey, for a unique reading experience!

Published on
2020-04-14 08:31:09

How to give readers what they really want.

Readers read the newspaper in many different ways: there are those who start from the first page and arrive at the last as if they were reading a book, those who first read the columns he is fond of and then move on to the latest news. Each of us has our own experience of reading on paper, which very often retraces in digital.

Just from the choice of certain news and/ or columns part of the idea of Ownpage.

Ownpage is a product that GMDE has been proposing to publishers for a few years and that allows you to automatically create customized newsletters. The communications that every reader receives every day are born from the union of the same preferences of the reader that receives the mail with the experiences of reading of the majority of the public. 
The reader could thus receive an email that reports the two most read news on the head portal along with the latest news published in the column or in the favourite section.
Just as each reader is different from the others, so the newsletters generated by Ownpage turn out to be unique for each shipment.

What does the newsroom have to do?

Nothing. If not choose the graphical setting of the mail. The content is dynamic and is created automatically thanks to the reading interpretation on the website and the settings of each user profile.
Thanks to this type of communication, more traffic is generated on the site, with an increase in visits that make it possible to manage both articles and advertising differently.

International cases

The Ownpage solution is already in use by major international publishers.
Publishers such as Euronews, which did not have a real database of readers and the big problem of having to manage a site and the consequent communications in 12 different languages, or as Le Parisiene, who chose Ownpage to give greater prominence to the local editions of the magazine.
And in Italy?
Thanks to GMDE, which has been recognized by Ownpage as an important supplier in the Italian publishing market, the solution is being tested at some local newspapers.


The customers with whom GMDE works daily are more than 100 and... they are all satisfied

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