Published on
January 26, 2020

MISE Certified Innovation Manager

Published on
2020-01-26 22:53:02

10 GMDE professionals have obtained the qualification of Innovation Manager at the MISE

To support Call4Bids, the new service dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises, 10 GMDE professionals have obtained the qualification of Innovation Manager at the MISE. Knowing how to contribute to the technological acceleration of a company and to guide its change, as well as increasing its competitiveness, is the task of an Innovation Manager.

Who is and what does an Innovation Manager

There are many definitions of Innovation Manager but in fact…

About what is an Innovation Manager have been written many articles but in fact «Innovation Manager is the one who leads the research into the company turning it into a strategic business opportunity for the future». To succeed in this aim means to have a great competence in technical matters, to know the world of the search in deep way and to get competencies and vision in technological scouting, technology transfer and, of course, enhancement of intellectual property generated by research and co-development activities between Research and Enterprise, as well as strong project management and problem-solving skills. Knowing how to contribute to the technological acceleration of a company and guiding its change, as well as increasing its competitiveness is exactly the role of the Innovation Manager who, Moreover, it must never lose sight of the benefits deriving from a social impact of innovation, a new and increasingly important corporate asset in an era of technological progress based on an increasingly man-centric approach. Having the skills, the vision and the training to succeed in all this is no small thing and above all, you can not improvise. It is necessary besides a good dose of experience consolidated in years of activity, to have a certain multidisciplinarity and an adequate capacity of «forecast» of the future scenarios; and therefore a particular sensitivity to grasp the relevant and necessary information to have a wide and in-depth knowledge of the various emerging technologies. Finally, the methodology and technique to transform ideas into innovation, an extreme synthesis of the IM’s role, are skills that can only be acquired in many years of work.

Thanks to the introduction of these new professional figures, GMDE is, therefore, able to support companies in the application for participation in calls for funding included in the Voucher innovation.


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